Highest Rated Fishfinders
1Humminbird Helix 5 CHIRP G2
2Lowrance HDS 7 Gen3
3Garmin Striker 7sv
4Garmin echoMAP CHIRP 73sv
5Raymarine Dragonfly 7 PRO

Fishing Tips and Tricks

steelhead fishing tips

How To Catch Steelhead – Fishing Tips

One of the most prized American game fish is the rainbow trout, and its very close cousin, the steelhead. These fish are natives of Asia, the Pacific coastal area of North America, and the tributary rivers that empty into the Pacific Ocean. Steelhead are the same species of fish as

how to catch muskie fishing tips

How To Catch Muskie – Fishing Tips

Muskie are some of the largest and most elusive freshwater fish. They’re sort of legendary in that many fishermen want to catch muskie, but few seem to actually do it. This freshwater fish is native to North America, and is most common in the areas of the Great Lakes, the

how to catch salmon

How To Catch Salmon – Fishing Tips

Salmon is the all-encompassing name for several varieties of fish that are freshwater fish, saltwater fish, or fish that spend part of their lives in one habitat and part of their lives in the other. Salmon is one of the most-desired restaurant fish, and they are most commonly found in

How To Catch Carp

How To Catch Carp – Fishing Facts Tips

Carp Fishing Facts Carp are almost universally despised by environmentalists, ecologists, biologists, and aquatic life fanatics. Carp are invasive fish from the Black and Caspian Sea areas, and were introduced to almost every continent, sometimes accidentally, sometimes for farming purposes. Carp are disliked by so many because of their habit

Crappie Fishing Tips – How to Catch Crappie

The Basics Crappie is one of the most common fish in North America. There are two types of crappie fish: white crappie (pomoxis annularis) and black crappie (pomoxis nigromaculatus). The two types are often mistaken for each other, but there are some distinguishing differences between them. The black crappie is